Exotic Bread Pudding

Exotic Bread Pudding

Exotic Bread Pudding

Bread pudding still remains a sneaky favourite of mine. I had previously posted the family recipe on my blog, but this time I made the recipe a bit more exotic. This exotic bread pudding does wonderfully with some vanilla 'custard' added. The combination of the 2 together is just a spoonful of happiness so straight to the mouth.

This is what you need in ingredients:

- 400 to 450g bread (or combine with croissants and/or other coffee cakes)
- 500ml coconut milk
- 5 eggs
- Malibu rum (or other coconut rum/alcohol)
- Butter to grease mould
- Small can of pineapple (if still in rings, cut into pieces), drained
- 50g sultanas
- 50g dried berries (goji berries, inca berries, cranberries)
- 150g coconut blossom sugar

You'll need these ingredients from our shop:

- 1/3 teaspoon vanilla powder

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Here's how to proceed:

1. Soak the sultanas and berries in Malibu rum for a few minutes (or possibly an hour or even longer).

2. If necessary, cut the pineapple into wedges.

3. Cut the crusts off the bread and cut into chunks.

4. Put the bread in a large baking dish that you have first greased well with a knob of butter.

5. Drain the sultanas and recover the rum.

6. In a bowl, beat the eggs with the recovered rum, coconut blossom sugar, vanilla powder and coconut milk and pour over the bread. Leave for a while so that the bread can absorb the moisture well. If necessary, push it in a little with your hands.

7. Now also add the pineapple, sultanas and berries and push these into the bread mixture. Place some lumps of butter on top of the batter if necessary.

8. Preheat the oven to 180°C and bake the bread pudding for about 30-35 minutes.
You can serve the bread pudding lukewarm or cold.


I look forward to seeing your creation! Share your homemade bread pudding on Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #BirgersKitchen and inspire others.

--- Birger ---
Birger's Kitchen


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