A piece of grilled chicken always tastes good! Both in warm weather and in cold weather. But how do you ensure that your chicken remains nice and juicy, but still nice and crispy? Well, follow these little tips and you will create a perfectly grilled chicken from your oven! Especially with the delicious chicken herbs from our herb shop :-)
I love asparagus! I am therefore overjoyed when asparagus season arrives. One of the first asparagus recipes of the season is invariably the asparagus à la flamande on the menu. This Flemish classic is still one of my favourites and ideal to experiment with. I get to work with olive oil, black pepper and sea salt flakes from Falksalt. Simple. Delicious!
We have this long pepper from Java in the range of our online spice shop. Apart from bringing some spice (less than traditional pepper), this long pepper from Java mainly adds a lot of aroma to your dishes. This pepper develops tasty aromas of violet, liquorice and resin. This is makes it an ideal pepper to go with desserts, such as this chocolate pudding.