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Gluten-free and/or BIO pasta

Gluten-free and/or BIO PastaFan of beautiful Italy, but prefer a certain diet? Even those following a gluten-free diet or swearing by organic, organic produce will find the highest-quality, tastiest pasta at Flavor Shop.

Corn spaghetti (gluten-free and organic) 250 g
Unit price: €27,80 / Kilogram
Fusilli gluten-free (corn pasta - BIO) 250 g
Unit price: €27,80 / Kilogram

Gluten-free and/or BIO pasta

Anyone who says pasta usually means white pasta made from wheat. After all, that is the most common type of pasta. At Flavor Shop, however, you will find many different types of pasta. You can also discover gluten-free or organic pasta.

This way, everyone, regardless of diet or preference, has the chance to enjoy delicious, high-quality pasta without having to give up anything.

The ultimate gift for any lover of Italian cuisine!