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We are eager to support local communities and events, but receive numerous sponsorship requests every day. We are therefore forced to make choices. Please fill in our sponsorship form, based on which we can make a choice.
We do not offer financial sponsorship. We prefer sponsorship in the form of goods, discounts on products or gift baskets of up to 30 euros. These can be collected from our shop by appointment.
Sponsorship is not open-ended. It must really contribute something to our business and marketing goals. We therefore strive for close cooperation in all our sponsorship projects.
What conditions must you meet to submit an application?
- We do not support individuals or private events. Our focus is on local initiatives in the regions of Gooik and Lennik. We do not sponsor parties.
- Your association is a customer of ours (corporate gifts or e.g. buying candy or chocolate to raise money with your association).
- Each association can apply a maximum of once a year.
Wondering if we can meet your sponsorship request?
We only accept applications via e-mail. Send the completed form to hello@flavor.shop. Make sure to provide all details so that we get a good idea of your event and what exactly you expect from us. Please also send us a document proving that your association is organising a fundraising event. (e.g. via flyer or poster).
Please submit your application no later than 2 weeks before the start of the event.
Submitting an application does not automatically mean approval of sponsorship. We carefully evaluate each request.
You can expect a reply from us no later than 7 days after receipt of your request.